A bit of motivation from an old diary

I do not know in what context I wrote this. But this is something that is worth sharing. So updating my blog with this sweet little part of motivation with so many religious characters.

Somebody told me, Solitude is Bliss ” Sometimes finding time for yourself is truly a joy. We need to have time for soul searching. I did not take it seriously until I found something interesting in the phrase. Wandering your minds and let them think and analyze how things are around us gave me a new perspective of thinking about my life, my body, and my soul. I found the feminine power that is inside me is the most beautiful aspect of my soul. And I wanted to share my learning from soul searching to all those beautiful souls having the power in themselves and are unknown about it.

Feminine power is the most amazing power we have. We must use that power. It is a natural gift. We are equal to men but nature had made us more equal by providing the gracious gift. The feminine power .and this power is worshipped by everyone .nobody can ignore this fact. Look at our culture, we worship feminine power in the name of kali, Durga Saraswati, and so on. The name itself Shakti pith and shakti mata resemble the feminine power that is respected and worshiped. Every girl has that power, we can be Kali, Laxmi, and Saraswati. We can kill the demons (eliminate the evils) in the society, we can make the family prosperous, we can make a better society by our wisdom and intellectuals. Aren’t these powers we worship in our festivals? Hey girls, look inside yourself, there is Kali, Laxmi, and Saraswati in each of us. We can utilize these powers to have a wonderful life. I Can give you an example: If you want to look at the existence of kali look at the mother. The child’s development and early education are based upon the mother. She is the one who makes us civilized people in this society Killing demons that could be built inside us. Existence of Laxmi, we females are more intelligent in terms of managing finance. And you can debate with me there are many great finance scholars who are males. But a simple example, look at your wallet, females wallets are never emptied and it is not like that they never spend. But they manage their spending .and yes they are the ones who make the family prosperous. Females are the Laxmi. Saraswati, the power of wisdom and knowledge. We have that power. We can be amazingly beautiful while it comes to sharing our knowledge. Look at the mother how she shares knowledge with her child. Look at our mother how she made us the way we are. And in this digitized world, I can give another name to all mothers out there.

Mothers are the good programmers. They can program their child the way they want. And do not say that we are not robots. We are robots the only thing is that robots are programmed with artificial intelligence. We are programmed with natural intelligence.

Being beautiful is not only about wearing makeup and a pretty dress. Being beautiful is not only about getting comments on your picture posted on social media. It is something thinking above it. It is something more important and valuable. It is developing our inner ability and state of mind to enjoy the feminine power, The power of blood, the power of nature. Our feminine power is our strength. It had been always misinterpreted as our weakness. And we always thought we are weak. But ladies, we are not weak, the ability about which you think is your weakness is the strength. You have to realize that ability. We must come across all the superstitious beliefs of making us weak. We are independent creatures. While saying this, there will be voices of men ” how will you get baby without us? ” But my dear male friends I am not only talking about having babies and such. In terms of that, both males and females are equal. The only advantage we females have is that we have a carrier of babies. We carry them for 9 months. And because of which we have strong connections and emotions with the child. Being a mother is so mysterious. That is another part of the story again. let’s come back to the main point. Yes having feminine power is about having independence in oneself. Having more belief and confidence in oneself. The only thing is that how will u nurture your power within yourself. How will you use the power that is inside you?  Have you tried to listen to your inner voice? Females make good managers. Yes! you are the CEO of your life. It is your responsibility how you lead your life. You are Sita, You can either create Ravan inside you who will lock you up or you can create Hanuman inside you who will save you from Ravan or you can create Ram inside you who will suspect your existence.  The choice is yours. The greenery of the society can come back if we use our feminine power and be “Ganga” to irrigate the society with the good.

We always tried to hide our true selves And we enjoyed thinking it’s our gift. But is it so? We tried to hide our true selves with cosmetics and makeup. We tried to hide under the umbrella of males, We tried to hide with our fear and uncertainty. We blamed society for nurturing us this way, we blamed males for not having equal opportunities, we blamed nature for making us bleed every month. But isn’t its a time for realization now? We are biased because of our own thoughts. We are solely responsible for our life. Nature has given us the power, we must realize it. We can be the queen or we can be the maid. The choice is upon us. Who says we don’t look beautiful in sport’s shoes? Who says we need pencil heels to make us beautiful. Who says we need highly well make-ups to look beautiful. we say we need diamond rings and gold necklaces to add to our personality. We are beautiful naturally, we must enjoy ourselves, enjoy our feminine power. And develop ourselves internally and externally, so that we will be the CEO of our life, the “shakti mata” of our life.

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